About Twenty Wells Elementary
Principal Zaleski
Admin Intern Burila
Principal's Message
Welcome to Twenty Wells Elementary.
It is my honor and pleasure to serve as the principal of TWES. As we look to what has been accomplished since we first opened in the 2022-2023 school year, I am pleased with what we have accomplished in two years. As we look forward, we hope to take positive steps towards reaching our goals of having a friendly and safe school with high academic achievement. As we work together as faculty, staff, students, parents, and stakeholders towards these goals, we believe that the future is bright.
We are proud to be Twenty Wells Tigers. We are representatives of Twenty Wells Elementary and will follow ROAR everywhere we go: Twenty Wells Tigers ROAR!
Twenty Wells Tigers Are Respectful, On-Task Achieving Readers: RESPECTFUL of Self, Others, and Property ON TASK Academically, Socially, and Emotionally ACHIEVING Best Results Every Day and READERS Who Can Recognize Words,
Comprehend Text, and Love Learning.
I look forward to celebrating with you the achievement of our studentsSincerely,
Jeff Zaleski
- Attendance
- Cell Phones, Smartwatches, and Personal Devices
- Daily Schedule
- Handbooks
- Kindergarten Information
- Mission Statement
- Preschool
- Registration
- Safe Walking Route
- School Boundary Maps
- School Officers
- School Profile
- Volunteer Information
Excusing an Absence on Skyward
To excuse a student on the app:
- When parents sign up for the Skyward app, they will select a four-digit code.
- Put in your four-digit code and continue to the app
- Select the “hamburger button” (the triple bar or trigram symbol) on the top right.
- From here you have two options, the first option (the message tab), will show you through the notification when your student was marked absent and what you need to excuse. With the attendance tab you simply submit a request.
- 1. Message Tab
- Attendance Notification
- View
- Add Absent Request
- OR
- 2. Attendance
- Add Absent Request
- Either of these two options will open a pop-up.
- Complete the following information:
- Student
- Date/Time
- Reason
- Comment (optional – but very helpful, especially if you want to “excuse 2nd hour”)
- If you have more than one student and want this attendance request submitted for another student (maybe your family will be attending a funeral and all students need to be excused) then you can “Copy” the request and select additional students.
- Submit
To submit a request from the website:
- Tooeleschools.org
- Click on the Families tab across the top
- Click on Skyward for Parents
- Log in
- On the top right click student (if you only have one student you will just see your student’s name)
- In the drop-down menu select the student’s name you need to excuse
- Select Attendance in the menu on the left hand side
- Click on the hyperlink at the top of the page “Absence Request.”
- An “Add Request” pop-up block will open
- Complete the following blocks:
- Date/Time
- Reason
- Comment (optional, but once again, very helpful)
- Save
- Once you have “Saved” you will receive an email notification that an absence request has been submitted.
- After the request has been processed, parents will receive a notification in Skyward
- “(Student’s name) Absence Request has been (approved or denied)
- The Absence Request submitted for (student) on (date) has been (approved or denied).
- If a request is denied, a reason must be provided. It will then say “Go to your Absence Requests for further information.”
Cell Phones, Smartwatches, and Personal Devices
Tooele County School District recognizes that technology can enhance teaching and learning, along with the sense of security that cell phones and smart watches provide, and we are dedicated to ensuring their safe and civil use.
In an effort to create an optimal learning environment at Tooele County School District high schools, we will limit the use of cell phones, smartwatches, and other personal electronic devices during school hours. These devices, while beneficial in many contexts, can be significant sources of distraction and disruption in the classroom. By minimizing their use, we aim to foster a focused and engaged learning atmosphere where students can fully participate in instructional activities. Additionally, restricting these devices helps prevent negative behaviors such as cyberbullying, cheating, and other inappropriate or illegal activities. Our primary goal is to enhance student focus and engagement, ensuring that every student can thrive academically and socially in a supportive and undistracted environment.
Personal electronic devices, including cell phones, smart watches, headphones, tablets, etc., may be brought to school with parents’ permission but must be turned off and stored out of sight during school hours for elementary and instructional time for secondary. Cell phones or smart watches are not to be used by students in bathrooms, locker rooms, and ALL learning spaces.
Cell phones will be allowed for students with a specific need per their healthcare plan, IEP, 504, or ILDP. The office phone is available for students when necessary and with permission during the school day. TCSD cannot assume any responsibility for cell phones or smart watches.
If students do not comply with the cell phone or smartwatch rules, consequences may
be the listed actions.
Exceptions may be made for students with a health care plan (such as students with a continuous glucose monitor), IEP or 504. This will be approved on a case-by-case basis by meeting with the principal, teacher, and case manager.
With minor communication emergencies, parents will need to contact the main office to either call down their student or to relay a message.
With a school-level emergency or crisis, we ask that parents and students limit or avoid communication and wait for instructions and communication from local incident commanders. Misinformation spread during a crisis can often be more dangerous than the crisis itself.
Teachers will always have nearby access to the classroom phone.
1st infraction: Verbal warning
2nd infraction: Cell phone/watch held at the office and the student can pick it up at the end of the day.
3rd infraction: Cell phone/watch held at the office until a parent picks it up. Infractions documented in Educators Handbook.
Additional consequences will be implemented if students continue to not comply with cell phone/smartwatch rules. Students will be required to turn in their device to the office at the start of each day.
Daily Schedule
Kindergarten Information
Students must be 5 before September 2 of the school year that they plan to enroll.
- Official State-Issued Birth Certificate
- Immunization Record
- Proof of Residency
- Go to www.tooeleschools.org
- Click on the "NEW STUDENT REGISTRATION" widget on the left.
- You will have the option of uploading the birth certificate and immunization records.
- If your child is enrolled in a TCSD preschool you have already completed this step.
- Meet kindergarten teachers, tour the school, and enjoy a variety of fun activities!
- Complete a free vision screening with the school nurse.
- Sign-up for your child's kindergarten assessment.
- The packet will be available online in July at: www.tooeleschools.org
- Log in to Skyward Family Access and complete all information
- Assessment will be at Twenty Wells Elementary by appointment on August 14, 2023.
- Class assignments will be posted on Skyward on August 18, 2023, at 5 pm
- Kindergarten Kick-off will be held the day prior to the first day of school
- The first day of school for kindergarten students is TBA
Immunization Requirements
To attend kindergarten, a student must have written proof of receiving the following immunizations:
4 Polio
2 Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
3 Hepatitis B
2 Hepatitis A
2 Varicella (chickenpox)
Recommended for children 5 years and older but not required for school entry in Utah:
Proof of immunity to disease(s) can be accepted in place of vaccination only if a document from a
health care provider stating the student previously contracted the disease is presented to the school.
For children whose parents claim an exemption to immunization for medical, religious, or personal
reasons, their legally responsible individual must complete an online immunization education module
at immunize.utah.gov or in-person consultation at a local health department. A copy of the certificate
must be presented to the school or child care official.
For a medical exemption from the required immunizations, a completed vaccination exemption form
and a written notice signed by a licensed healthcare provider must be presented to the school.
For questions regarding your child’s immunization status, contact your child’s healthcare provider,
your local health department or the Immunization Hotline at 1-800-275-0659.
TCSD Kindergarten Enrollment Letter
Online Kindergarten registration for the 2023-2024 school year will begin Wednesday, February 1st @ 9:00 a.m. To
register your student, go to www.tooeleschools.org and click on NEW STUDENT REGISTRATION widget. Be prepared to
upload your students’ immunization record and birth certificate. With these records uploaded and accepted registration
is complete. If you do not have access to the internet at home, you may complete this process at your students’ school
February 15th or 16th between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Before your student begins school, you will be required to
complete a Welcome Back packet in Skyward Family Access opening mid-July.
According to Utah Code 53E-3-905 for a student to be eligible to enter Kindergarten, a child must be at least five (5)
years of age on or before, September 2nd
of the year in which admission is sought.
The following documentation will be required before a child can officially begin kindergarten for the 2023-24 school
1. Official State Birth Certificate - A copy of a state birth certificate for a child born within Utah may be
obtained from the Tooele County Health Department, 151 North Main, Tooele. A copy may also be
obtained from the Utah State Division of Health, 554 South 300 East, Salt Lake City. Birth certificates for a
child born outside of Utah should be obtained from the State Division of Health in the state the child was
2. Immunization Record - The following are required by Utah law for a child entering school: 5 DTaP/DTP/DT,
4 Polio (IPV), 2 MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella),
3 Hepatitis B, 2 Hepatitis A and 2 Varicella (Chickenpox).
3. Vision Screening – A child under seven (7) years of age entering school for the first time in the state of Utah
must present a certificate signed by a licensed physician, optometrist, or other licensed health
professional, stating that the child has received vision screening (Utah Code-Title 53A-11-203).
4. Proof of Residence – Utility bill, lease document with service property address, payroll stub, bank or credit
card statement.
The following are highly recommended by the Tooele County School District before registering:
• Health Examination – make an appointment with your physician or health clinic
• Dental Examination
• Four doses of Haemophilus Influenzae Type B (Hib) – dosing scheduled based on student’s current age.
Each child entering kindergarten must have a prescreening assessment. This assessment will be scheduled by your
school the first week of school. It is important that you have your child registered to receive an assessment time. A
kindergarten orientation will be held at local schools in August where general kindergarten information will be shared.
We appreciate your cooperation and support in getting your kindergarten student registered for the 2023-24 school
year; this helps us plan around our enrollment numbers for the upcoming year. If you have further questions, contact
your school principal or Suzanne Medina at the District Office, (435)833-1900, Ext. 1104.
Mission Statement
We are representatives of Twenty Wells Elementary and will follow ROAR everywhere we go:
Twenty Wells Tigers ROAR!
Twenty Wells Tigers Are Respectful On-Task Achieving Readers:
RESPECTFUL of Self, Others, and Property
ON TASK Academically, Socially, and Emotionally
ACHIEVING By Being Our Best Selves Every Day
READERS Who Can Recognize Words, Comprehend Text, and Love Learning
Email Twenty Wells Elementary School questions to: jpeterson@tooeleschools.org
TCSD Registration
Steps and Information Needed
Existing Students | New Students |
Kindergarten |
Everyone will need to complete the Skyward Registration/Welcome Back Packet (this includes new students and returning students, even if you have already complete registration in Skyward. Everyone needs to log in.) |
Login to Skyward Follow directions |
Login to Skyward Follow directions Either upload or deliver in person to the school after the 1st of August a birth certificate and immunization records |
Login to Skyward Follow directions Either upload or deliver in person to the school after the 1st of August a birth certificate, immunization records and vision test Call the school to sign up for a kindergarten assessment. |
Safe Walking Route
Walking and Transportation Plan
To access our digital school walking plan, please visit:
Crossing Streets
We would like to encourage you to make your children aware of the inherent dangers involved when crossing streets. Please remind them to look both ways before crossing any street and to cross at intersections. Also, please be aware of the speeding restrictions and stop signs.
Bus Zones
There is a designated bus loading zone on the South/West side of our school. The buses unload students between 8:25-8:45 a.m. each day, and load them at3:35 p.m. on M/T/Th/F. All bus students load at 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday. Please do not use the bus loading zone at any time and drive with extreme caution when passing the bus zone exit.
Parent Drop-off and Pick-up
The parent drop-off and pick-up area is at the front (north) of the school as shown below (please pull as far forward as possible at all times):
*Drop Off and Pickup Procedures:
1) Crossing Guard: All students, parents, and staff members should always follow the directions of the crossing guard.
2) Drop-off: Students should be dropped-off in the designated pull-through area in front of the school. Parents should remain in their cars to drop students off. If they need to get out for any reason, parents should park in the visitor parking area north of the drop-off area. Students should never be dropped off pick up in the parking lot. School begins at 8:50 so drop-off should take place between 8:30 and 8:45 AM. Students should exit the vehicle on the passenger's side for safety reasons.
3) Pick-up: Students should be picked-up in the designated pick up in the designated pull-through area in front of the school. School ends at 3:35 so parents should arrive a little before or at that time. All parents/guardians who wish to exit their vehicles to pick up their child–including preschool and kindergarten students–must park in the guest parking lot north of TWES and walk across the crosswalk to pick them up. No one should exit their vehicle while in the pull-through lane. Students should enter the vehicle on the passenger’s side for safety reasons.
4) Bus Zone: Do not drop off or pick up your children in the school bus zone at any time.
5) Bicycles: Due to safety concerns, all bicycles, roller blades, scooters, and skateboards should be walked on
school property. Please walk bikes to the bike racks and lock them during the school day for security
purposes. No one may ride roller blades, scooters or skateboards in the hallways, classrooms, or in the
*Thank you for your help and support with our safety guidelines. We appreciate all you do to ensure the safety of our students at Twenty Wells Elementary School.
1. Pupils shall observe classroom conduct and obey the driver promptly and respectfully. The driver is in complete charge of all students during the loading, unloading of the bus and during transit.
2. Pupils shall respect the rights and safety of others.
3. Pupils shall arrive at the bus stop before the bus arrives. (5 minutes)
4. Pupils shall wait in a safe place, clear of traffic and away from where the bus stops.
5. Pupils shall wait in an orderly line and avoid horseplay.
6. Pupils shall cross the road or street in front of the bus only after the bus has come to a complete stop and upon direction of the driver.
7. Pupils shall go directly to an available or assigned seat when entering the bus.
8. Pupils shall remain seated and keep aisles and exits clear.
9. Pupils shall refrain from throwing or passing objects on, from or into buses.
10. Pupils are permitted to carry only objects that can be held on one's lap.
11. Pupils shall refrain from the use of profane language, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or any other illegal controlled substance on the bus.
12. Pupils shall refrain from eating and drinking on the bus.
13. Pupils shall not carry hazardous materials, nuisance items, and animals onto the bus. Weapons or fireworks of any kind are not allowed on the bus.
14. Pupils shall refrain from leaving or boarding the bus at locations other than the assigned stops at home or school. The driver has no authority to stop the bus to load or unload students except at the designated stops. Students shall have written permission from parent or guardian to leave the bus at other than his or her regular stop. Parent or guardian must also call the bus garage to notify them of the request.
15. Pupils shall refrain from extending head, arms or objects out of the bus windows.
16. Pupils shall refrain from hitching rides via the rear bumper or other parts of the bus.
17. Visitors are not allowed to ride the bus without the permission from the proper authority (Transportation Supervisor)
18. Any pupil damaging transportation property in any way shall pay for all such damages.
School Boundary Maps
School Officers
School Profile
Volunteer Information
Interested in becoming a volunteer?
We are so excited that you are interested in volunteering! Volunteers are a vital part of our district and we appreciate YOU!
Tooele County School District utilizes Volunteer Tracker for volunteer applications and signing up for volunteer opportunities. Please follow the steps provided to sign up!
If you have any questions about registration, please contact App-Garden at support@app-garden.com or live chat option!
How to Register
- Visit our website.
- Register and complete application.
- Applications will be reviewed and you will be contacted if further information is needed.
- Once approved, watch your in-box for invites to opportunities that match your interest.
The school district requires a background check for all volunteers before they can help at a school.
Step 1: Register and complete an application.
Step 2:Your application will be reviewed and you will be contacted via email if further information is needed. Make sure to check junk and spam folders for emails from Volunteer Tracker.
Step 3: Call Alesha Allred at the District Office 435-833-1900 Ext. 1128 with any questions.
Step 4: Watch for a renewal email each year. Renewing yearly via email means you will not have to complete the entire process again. If you don't, you must begin again with Step 1.